vs Brønnøybanden

Game Stats

Game Length: 50:20
Player Champion Summoner Spells K / D / A Minions Gold
KingChezzy Jinx 26 / 10 / 13 311 24214
Kapitein Tarzan Elise 8 / 11 / 22 72 16558
A Docile Bear Gnar 2 / 14 / 18 242 16514
Rubymatt Thresh 7 / 8 / 28 31 15229
TehAshtonious Ekko 7 / 11 / 19 248 17485
BB AntiFaker Lee Sin 6 / 11 / 27 72 18811
BB Equalizer Vayne 16 / 10 / 10 288 21367
BB Olabil Renekton 14 / 9 / 14 361 21092
BB Tyggistom Leona 3 / 9 / 22 59 13492
BB Alpha Malzahar 15 / 12 / 14 247 20298


Wards Placed Wards Killed Sight Wards Bought Vision Wards Bought
KingChezzy 4 2 0 0
Kapitein Tarzan 26 7 3 4
A Docile Bear 8 7 5 1
Rubymatt 46 9 0 11
TehAshtonious 4 7 1 0
BB AntiFaker 22 2 0 0
BB Equalizer 20 1 0 1
BB Olabil 26 2 1 0
BB Tyggistom 21 8 0 0
BB Alpha 21 0 1 1
Blue 88 32 9 16
Red 110 13 2 2
  • Blue team removed 29.1% of red's wards (32 / 110)
  • Red team removed 14.8% of blue's wards. (13 / 88)